Copio del Facebook, nuevamente, de Xavier Sala-i-Martin un curioso y entretenido ranking de universidades norteamericanas que tiene como indicador el número de presidentes que han pasado por sus claustros. Cito literalmente al catalán (las negritas son mías):
(1) Harvard = 8 (inclues G. W. Bush -Business School- , JFK -undergraduate- and Barack Obama -Law School).
(2) Yale = 5 (includes Bush father and son -undergraduates both- and Clinton -Law School)
(3) William and Mary = 4 (all the presidents are before 1845, but includes my favorite: Thomas Jefferson).
(4) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY = 3 (includes Barack Obama)
(4) Princeton = 3 (all undergrads, and includes JFK who transfered to Harvard so he never graduated from Princeton).
All other schools have 2 or less.
Well! But the "school" that has the most students is MONTILLA school: 10 Presidents did not have university education. Of course Montilla is president TODAY and the last president of the United States who did not attend college was Grover Cleveland who was president in 1893-97: one century and ten years ago! Visca Gulagtalunya!
Teniendo en cuenta que la mitad de la vida republicana de nuestro país ha estado gobernada por gobiernos de corte militar, la naturaleza de dicho ranking presentaria grandes sesgos.
(1) Harvard = 8 (inclues G. W. Bush -Business School- , JFK -undergraduate- and Barack Obama -Law School).
(2) Yale = 5 (includes Bush father and son -undergraduates both- and Clinton -Law School)
(3) William and Mary = 4 (all the presidents are before 1845, but includes my favorite: Thomas Jefferson).
(4) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY = 3 (includes Barack Obama)
(4) Princeton = 3 (all undergrads, and includes JFK who transfered to Harvard so he never graduated from Princeton).
All other schools have 2 or less.
Well! But the "school" that has the most students is MONTILLA school: 10 Presidents did not have university education. Of course Montilla is president TODAY and the last president of the United States who did not attend college was Grover Cleveland who was president in 1893-97: one century and ten years ago! Visca Gulagtalunya!
Teniendo en cuenta que la mitad de la vida republicana de nuestro país ha estado gobernada por gobiernos de corte militar, la naturaleza de dicho ranking presentaria grandes sesgos.
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